Sunday, January 20, 2013


New Pulp Publisher Black Coat Press has released two new books featuring the world’s greatest consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes and the Vampires of Eternity by Brian Stableford and Sherlock Holmes and the Circle of Blood by Steve Leadley are now available in paperback and ebook editions.

Cover Art: Daniele Serra
Sherlock Holmes and the Vampires of Eternity by Brian Stableford-
From 1895, when the means of visiting the future through drug-induced "timeshadowing" is discovered by Professor Copplestone, to 12 million years AD, when the Universal Engine seeks to determine the cosmos' ultimate fate, the vast tapestry of time is the theater of a time war between the Overmen, descendents of the vampires, Humanity, and the shadowy intelligence that waits at the End of Time. Sherlock Holmes, the great detective, Count Dracula, the reluctant vampire, the mercurial Oscar Wilde, William Hope Hodgson, freshly returned from the Night Land of the Great War, the visionary H. G. Wells, Alfred Jarry, Camille Flammarion, and many other figures from the literary firmament, become pawns and players in a conflict that spans the entire course of universal history.

Cover by Daniele Serra.

Now available as paperback and ebook.
Learn more here.

Cover Art: Daylon
Sherlock Holmes and the Circle of Blood by Steve Leadley-
Three all-new Sherlock Holmes adventures : The Circle of Blood: One of Cape May’s most prominent citizens has been the victim of a brutal and mysterious murder. A bizarre and cryptic message lies adjacent to the body: a bust of Socrates circled in blood. The police are baffled since nothing appears to be missing from the house, and the man is reported to have had no enemies. Holmes and Watson agree to go to the nation’s oldest resort to investigate. The Highland Intrigue: Watson receives a letter from an old comrade asking for assistance. His uncle, the Duke of Montrose, has died in an “indelicate” manner. Holmes and Watson journey to Fintry Castle in Scotland to investigate. The problem turns out to be much deeper than first expected and not only involves murder, but a historical mystery seeped in Scottish folklore. The Medium Problem: Watson learns that a medium and a confederate are conducting séances in London. She is gaining a following, capitalizing on the Spiritualist movement that has taken root. Watson sees the séances as fraud and implore Holmes to expose the pair, but the detective remains disinterested until the medium recovers a stolen diamond through her alleged supernatural powers...

Cover by Daylon.

Now available as paperback and ebook.
Learn more here.