Part Shaft and part Batman sans the costume, Luke Warfield is an expert in various fighting arts and scientific disciplines. He’s a brother who gives back to the community in the form of his venture capitalist outfit, Essex Ltd. Like a digital age Jay Gatsby, rumors abound as to how he made his wealth -- from doing wet work as a black ops merc in the Far East and Africa, to ripping off a secret cache of Wall Street insiders ill gotten gains. What is known is that if there’s trouble, Luke Warfield will engulf himself in the heat of action.
In 10 Seconds to Death, his first outing in a planned series, the Essex Man goes on the trail of the villain who killed his foster father and uncovers not only ghosts from his past, but must stop a deadly plan of mass slaughter in his own backyard.
Available from Over the Edge Books on iTunes, Amazonand Barnes and Noble Books.