Sunday, July 14, 2013

What Did Dan Graur Say in Chicago?

Dan Graur gave a fantastic and entertaining talk at SMBE2013 [Powerpoint]. He covered a lot of bases, but unfortunately left some out 'cause he had many slides that he didn't get to because of time limitations. Most of the audience enjoyed the talk very much—there was much laughter and enthusiastic head nodding. (I figure that two thirds of the audience agreed with his stance on junk DNA and ENCODE.)

Apparently Cornelius Hunter was in the audience because he blogged about it on Darwin's God: Dan Graur Gave a Great Talk This Week (copied on Uncommon Descent: Dan Graur Gave a Great Talk This Week). It's a shame he didn't make himself known to me or Reed Cartwright or Nick Matzke.

One of the things that Graur said was that if ENCODE is right then evolution is wrong. Now this may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. If the ENCODE leaders are right that 85% of our genome has a biological function then we really do have to rethink the C-value paradox and genetic load. We also have to re-think a lot of biochemistry. I think that's what Dan meant. Cornelius Hunter says that's the one "glaring error" in Graur's presentation.


& Junk DNA
Graur said that junk DNA is a "known known" and by that he means that there's plenty of evidence for junk DNA. It's not "dark matter" and we don't use the term "junk" to mask our ignorance. Speaking of ignorance, Cornelius Hunter seems to be completely unaware of any evidence for junk DNA. I guess he didn't stay to hear my presentation.